Argon has two programmable front panel LEDs that indicate the state of drive. Having just 2 LEDs is challenging as there are more than dozen different states that need to be distinguishable. The current solution looks like this.
The present way is to assign orange led solely for faults and green led for motor control sate. To fit large number of states in reasonably short and easy to read blinking sequences, we’re blinking them by combinations of short and long flashes. One state for example can be repeating pattern of short-short-long-pause and another long-long-short-short-pause.
![LED blinking example. The sequence here is long-short-short-pause.](
LED blinking example. The sequence here is long-short-short-pause.
The Wiki page (link above) has animated images from each combination making them hopefully easier to identify. What do you think about this approach (please leave a comment)? Another alternative I have been pondering is just flashing led certain number of times. Such as one state is 3 flashes, another 4 flashes. The problem is counting reliably something like 15 flashes.
Meanwhile in production: the first release candidate Argon batch should arrive any time now! Last week factory reported mistake of getting wrong type of bridge rectifiers which caused 2-3 days delay to planned schedule but drives should definitely arrive this week for final testing.