Got some mail today including 500 pcs of Argon boxes and 60 pcs of SimpleMotion V2 USB adapters. Couldn’t spot any flaws in either of them!

A pallet of Argon cardboard boxes. The boxes are very rigid and printing is sharper than expected making the artwork shine :)

A box of fresh USB SimleMotion V2 adapters. Adapters are fully tested in the assembly house.
In the other news, I have been lately creating contents to the Argon user guide Wiki which must have the mandatory parts written and proof read before the drive can be released to market. As this will take some time (as well as finishing & packaging Granity software), we probably start sales & delivers for experienced users first (this probably means you, my fellow blog reader!). This can be done as hardware is final and rest of the materials are delivered over the Internet anyway.
Count on me. I do not mind to receive “half finished documentation”, or take part on beta tester. I just want 3 drives to continue my work as it is completely stopped waiting for the drives.
I also need 3 drivers to continue my project on standby awaiting the driver ARGON
a simple wiring diagram is useful for connecting
and programming software is intuitive to utilisatiion
Another 5 for me please!!
( :
I also would like to order one for testing.