I made an quick installation guide for the new AC servo motors to the Wiki. The site includes also pre-made drive configuration files so motors will operate straight out of the box once connections are made and file loaded to the drive. Remaining job for user is to adjust servo motor position or velocity control gain parameters because those depend on mechanical load properties and cannot be pre-configured without having the actual machine present.

All motor & power wires plugged to drive and ready to go. Installation is really fast and simple operation compared to the earlier VSD series drives.
Hello ,
when are you going to add support for sin/cos encoders , absolut encoders ? . The biggest advantage of the drives was that is was to support multifeedback devices , and possibility to use many used servos from siemens , omron , harmonic drive etc. Now it’s still impossible .
It would be great to know any dates . Now it looks you started working on ION and that feature was forgotten a bit .
Best regards !
ARGON is not forgotten. ION pretty much has similar feedback device readout electronics so both should benefit from development of each other :)
SinCos support is in the list of next things for Argon and definitely coming.
It also supports serial encoders by hardware interface, however problem there is wide variety of standards and most of them being proprietary (license fees or no public documentation). I think SSI/BiSS support are most probable additions.
If you got programming skills, I encourage taking look at Argon I/O side firmware source code. Encoder support is fully implementable in there and I’m here to help you with it. If one makes additional feedback device support, it has good changes of being merged into the official FW.