New logic circuit PSU transformer

I call back that last update (see previous post). Apparently the transformer wasn’t sufficient after all due to lack of mechanical protection of windings. The safety standard for transformers, EN 61558-1, requires that insulation must not be easily damageable during device assembly. So windings must be mechanically protected from being hit by other objects.

Luckily I found near perfect “drop-in” replacement for the transformer. This model actually probably would have been chosen in the first place if it were available at the time of logic circuit PSU design. The new transformer type was just introduced to market at late 2012.

The new transformer mounted with "3D" installation method

The new transformer mounted using the “3D” installation method familiar to all tinkerers

6 thoughts on “New logic circuit PSU transformer

  1. great news!
    the date of the first production should be close.
    We are very impatient to be able to investigate all the capacities of the ARGON.

  2. New transformer is smaller and maybe weaker than the previous, if we accidently drop the Argon, Will it break?
    Also, Do you need to redo EMC test?

    • Smaller doesn’t mean more fragile so no added risk there.

      The logic circuit PSU is very minor source of EMI so I don’t think it changes anything on EMC test. However, I might go take a quick measurements from the final version as well.

      • That the transformer is smaller I think the risk of breakage or tearing during an accidental fall argon is minimized due to its lighter weight than the old transformer

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